Dear International LTTers (since all the US LTTers are recovering from the 10 hot dogs, 4 cheesebergers, 3 cases of cheap beer, 2 bags of chips & 12 deviled eggs they consumed yesterday OR nursing their hangover in the ER since their cousin blew off his hand with the fireworks),
Today we want to remind you with a great fan-made video, as we often do, why we bring you posts each & every day, thru rain, hail, snow, earthquakes, hangovers, migraines, and crabby moods:
for Edward and Bella (mostly just Edward though)
Oh fine, we also do it because we love you all a lil’ bit (plus it’s a whole lot of fun!)
Thanks for letting us have so much fun & reading our silly little letters!
International LTTers, go back to your hangover-free days, and US LTTers, cold compress, tylenol, dark room, quiet, sleep it off.. you’ll be golden for work tomorrow!
UC & Moon
Sunday interaction: What’s your favorite thing about Edward & Bella? Favorite moment between them?
Sunday BONUS: Enjoy this awesome New Moon vid from ifOnly & Soccermom set to one of my fav songs- Breathe Me by Sia!